Black and white Framed prints of London in the January snow.

This blog is a little out of date but in January it snowed in London and here are a few highlights within the set of prints I made. You can see them and the rest of the London black and white prints collection here. I travelled mostly by bike, train into the centre of London, along the river through Clapham and Battersea and ended up in Wimbledon. Despite the cold I loved every minute of it.

Print of Big Ben
Print of Battersea Park
Print of Clapham Common

These prints are all now limited editions so they will become collectable when I sell them all. This particular set of prints are 1of100. Normally my limited edition sets are out of 150. I sign them, title them and number them on the white cardboard mount.

Prints of London

The print above is Nelson Mandella’s statue in Parliament Square. Churchill his near neighbour looked chilly but hadn’t managed to attract the same level of headgear as Nelson Mandella had. Shooting in the snow has it’s challenges. Staying upright on the bike was one and reflection from the snow fools the camera into thinking that there is more light in the scene than there is. I generally reduce the aperture by 2 stops for a correct exposure.

Print of Wimbledon
Print of London Eye

The print on the left is Wimbledon Common and the one on the right is The London Eye. All of these prints were taken on my Bronica medium format camera on Iford 400 ISO black and white film. I developed the film myself and made the prints you see in the frames above myself.

Mark Anderson
Beautifully presented hand made framed limited edition photographs.

Prints of Black and white New York Skyscrapers.


Commuters on London bridge. Using slow shutter speeds