Blog, news and insights
Prints of Prague and shadows on the Charles bridge.
I wrote a blog last month about seeing the picture below in a real estate agent’s window. You can clearly see one of my prints of Prague on the wall. It’s a house in Clapham near where I lived and now it’s an AIRbnb. The print is of The Charles Bridge in Prague.
Prints of The Statue of Liberty New York.
I first went to New York when I worked for a picture library in 1989. My job then was to take pictures of mountains and beaches. This was in the good old days of film and the internet and digital were still a way off.
Framed London Eye prints and prints for offices.
The London Eye or The Millennium Wheel or whoever sponsors it this year it dominates the London Skyline. I’ve been making prints of it since it first appeared in 2000. I
Prints of London bridges in black and white.
Having lived in London for most of my career taking fine art city landscapes to sell in my gallery I’ve spent a lot of time standing on a freezing bridge taking a photograph with my camera on a tripod. A small collection of cool bridges.
Prints of London. The beauty of grainy prints
Grain in a print is determined by the ISO setting and to some extent what paper I use to print it on.
Framed prints of Albert Bridge at night.
I used to live in South West London and my daughters used to call Albert Bridge the ‘pretty bridge’. It’s an iconic London landmark and over the years I’ve made many prints of Albert bridge. Day or night it’s a beautiful thing. It works as a panoramic print and it works as part of a set. The print of Albert Bridge below works perfectly as a standalone framed prints in an office.
Panoramic prints of London. Perfect for offices.
There have been many times over the years where I’ve gone out to make a print of a view or piece of architecture and when I come back to my studio to find that not only have I got some good colour and black and white prints but I’ve also got some great panoramics. The shape is perfect for a large wall and excellent for stand alone pieces.
Prints of London. Our professional hanging service.
We love a set of framed prints. Many of our clients don’t love having to hang them. So if you want to buy four or more prints we’ll take the headache of installation away from them and we’ll professionally hang them for you.
Framed Prints of London, New York and Paris.
You would think the most common question people ask me about gear would be ‘What pro camera do you use’ or ‘Do you use Canon or Nikon’ but it’s not. The most common question I get asked is ‘Can I make a print like yours from an iPhone’.
Prints of London. Limited edition prints and prices.
Limited edition prints explained. The print you buy from me is one of 150. Once I get to 150 I stop and the print then becomes collectable. People notice ‘fine art photography’. Your clients notice this when they see the prints hanging in your office and it’s an even bigger deal when you give one as a present.
Framed prints of London and shooting into the sun.
Shooting into the sun and how ‘backlit’ situations can produce stunning images and perfect panoramic prints.
London prints and our hanging service if you buy 4 prints.
Our USP or ‘unique selling point’ is something that sets us apart from all of the other people out there doing a similar thing to us. There are two things that set us apart from all those people that appear on Google when you key in ‘black and white or colour prints on London’. The difference about my gallery is that we’re a bit ‘old school’. I use film and although I’ve embraced digital I know and understand film and I know how to make a print using film. I think this is a huge thing.
London, Paris and New York city skyline prints.
The rule I apply most when taking city landscape photographs is the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds means diving the image into three horizontally and into three vertically.This may mean two thirds of the image will be sky and the bottom third will be the subject of the photograph.
Prints of New York. The standalone framed print.
Many clients order on the website and all they need is one print. It’s either a gift or its going a standalone print in an office or a home. It’s normally the largest size and it’s purpose is to make a statement on it’s own. It’s a splash of colour and a standalone print.
London from the air. My new gallery of London prints
See the new gallery of ‘London from the air’ All taken on film, I had the most amazing day taking panoramics, sunsets and cloudbursts above London.
Framed London prints in a shared Battersea workspace.
Shared workspaces have become very popular since the workforce went back to the office after the pandemic. The importance of good art in the workspace also became popular.
Prints of London and New York city silhouettes.
Many of my panoramic prints are taken at sunrise and sunset which means that the subject is back lit. If I want the subject to be in silhouette I’ll take a light reading from the sky, or brightest bit, which will mean the subject will be underexposed and therefore be thrown into silhouette.
Framed prints of London for an office space.
We can help you choose the wall art of your office. In this post you can see three room mock ups to help you choose your framed prints.
Case study. Prints of London for a city law firm
A city Law firm in London have been talking with us about some new prints on the walls of their office. There’s not a great deal of wall space but they were keen to make an impact and everybody in the office was given a vote on what they all wanted to see hanging on the walls. Black ans white framed prints of London was the consensus.
Gallery of Shrewsbury colour and black and white prints.
Shrewsbury is a market town about an hour north west of Birmingham. It has a river, It’s a very pretty town. The Severn River runs in a loop around it.