Prints of London. Autumn in the capital.
Although it’s still Winter and there are signs of Spring I thought I would write about the colours in autumn. Most of my work is in black and white but I do love producing colour prints. The three prints on this page are all in London in autumn prints. The one below is of Kew Green in London. It’s a pretty Common area very close to Kew Gardens and it comes alive as the colours change. I use film for all of the prints on this website, the film I use for all my colour prints is Fuji Velvia which being a very slow film at 64ISO produces lovely smooth saturated colours and subsequently makes printing in large sizes like the 52” panoramics possible.
I used to live in Clapham in South West London and for many years I sold my prints in the market on Northcote Road. The image below was very popular as a gift, you can see it here. I also made a number of autumn colour prints of Wandsworth Common which was close by. The Clapham Common Bandstand is a popular local spot and occasionally you’ll see a brass band paying there on a Sunday. My kids used to race each other on their bikes round and around the smooth paved area at the base of the bandstand. I have Clapham Common Bandstand prints in the snow, in spring and in summer. You can see these Clapham prints in The London black and white galleries here.
The view from Richmond Hill in London is another iconic view. From the top of the hill near the Star and Garter Hotel you can see the bend in the Thames and when the leaves start changing in Autumn the view is spectacular on a clear day. You can see this panoramic print here. There are also other autumn panoramic prints of London here. Spring is here and I’ll be out there creating more seasonal London prints. Keep an eye on the galleries here and of course follow the Blog were I’ll announce them when they’re ready to view. These London prints are perfect for offices, homes and for gifts.