Fine art prints of Paris and why they are fine art prints.
The definition of Fine art photography is: Fine Art Photography is a mode of photography where creative expression takes centre stage. Basically it’s a photographic print that can be displayed where the viewer will appreciate it for its content and the skill it would have taken to make it.
The fine art aspect of landscape black and white photography is easier to see. It’s also easier for me to describe. Since my early days learning to make black and white prints I treated my landscapes differently. Often there was also a family snap on a roll of 36 exposure film. I would put that aside and quickly print it without thinking about contrast, content or framing. My picture taking was different too. I always used a tripod and I’d choose the film I used depending on the time of day and how much grain I wanted. Black and white photography is so much about the art. Colour photography is too and the subject matter is just as important.
This city scape of Paris is taken thousands of times a day by pros and amateurs alike. I printed this burning out the sky a little and underexposing the low lights little.
We all have our own idea of what art is and the great thing about ‘Fine art photography’ is it has mass appeal. We’re familiar with the subject matter of the above print but we like the unusual sky and the sunset. It’s a fine art print because we’d probably like to see it hanging on a wall.