Prints of London bridges in black and white.

Having lived in London for most of my career taking fine art city landscapes to sell in my gallery I’ve spent a lot of time standing on a freezing bridge. I’ve also loved making prints of the architecture of a bridge. Below one of the best bridges I’ve seen is the one in Ironbridge near Telford in Shropshire. You can see it in my gallery here.

Print of Ironbridge

Rather than fill this post with dozens of bridge prints I’ve just stuck to some of my favourite black and white prints. Black and white suits bridge photography. It would be very easy to take a postcard type shot of the Ironbridge above but it looks so good cropped in close.

Print of Albert bridge
Prints of Prague

The prints above are of the Albert bridge in London and the Charles bridge in Prague. Both of these were taken on a tripod using my favourite Ilford 400 ISO film on my medium format Bronica ETRsi camera. I love the smooth greys you get on this film and the resulting prints enlarge so beautifully. Black and white works well for bridges. You can capture the starkness of the architecture if you get in close and if the sky is bright you can get great silhouettes. You can see this print of Albert Bridge in London here. And you can also see The Charles bridge is in the Black and white Prints of Prague here.

Prints of London

Panoramics are a great shape for bridges. I love the symmetry on the print above. The Millennium Bridge connects St. Paul’s with Tate Modern on London’s South Bank. I’ve also made a print capturing the movement of the tourists crossing the bridge in the evening with the city lights in behind. You can see this print in the London panoramics gallery here.

Print of Richmond Bridge
Prints of Shrewsbury
Print of Chelsea bridge
Prints of Shrewsbury

Above the two prints at the top are of Richmond bridge and Chelsea bridge in London. The two prints at the bottom are of The English bridge in Shrewsbury. The river floods regularly in Shrewsbury and the same view can look quite different when river fills up. You can see the two London bridges in the London black and white galleries here and you can see all of my Shrewsbury black and white prints here.

Mark Anderson
Beautifully presented hand made framed limited edition photographs.

Framed London Eye prints and prints for offices.


Prints of London. The beauty of grainy prints