Framed London Eye prints and prints for offices.
The London Eye or The Millennium Wheel or whoever sponsors it this year it dominates the London Skyline. I’ve been making prints of it since it first appeared in 2000. I think I’ve still got prints of it being winched into position at the tail end of 1999. I think I’m correct in saying that it was only going to be a temporary structure and would be taken down sometime when the millennium had passed. You can see the print below here.
The London Eye moves and although it’s just noticeable from the ground there’s great potential for a blurry shot using a long shutter speed. The middle print below needed a tripod to capture the 4 second shutter speed as well as the pin sharp detail of the surrounding landscape. In the first print below it works as a fantastic backdrop and the one one right the bubble gives context to the view below. You can see the three black and white prints here.
The London Eye also features a lot in my set of London panoramics. You can see them all here. Panoramic prints are perfect when you need to fill a large space. Great for reception areas in an office. I’ve been on the London Eye several times over the years. I was best man at a friends wedding in 2010 and a small group of us did two loops in one of the bubbles. The first loop took up the ceremony and the legal bit, and on the second loop we all tucked into the Hamper that The London Eye provided. It was fantastic. I’m pleased to say the couple now have a daughter and they are still very happily married.