London from the air. My new gallery of London prints

I won a competition. Nothing to do with photography I hasten to add. I won a trip in a helicopter and they agreed that I could use the flight to take photographs of London from the air. It was so much fun and as the prints I made are so different from my other galleries I decided to make a separate gallery called London from the air.

Prints of London

As I know film best I took two cameras. My medium format camera which I would shoot black and white Ilford film 400ISO and My Canon A1 which was loaded with Fuji Velvia colour slide film. It was a beautiful day with plenty of fluffy clouds and we got down low for some good panoramics and nice and high for shots like the one in the picture above. You can see this one here.

Prints of London

We got down low to enable me to take the image above. You can see it here in the gallery. I love this print because of the contrast, there are lots of nice greys but the blacks and whites are at either end of the spectrum. I have this print in my office.

Prints of London
Prints of London

I was so lucky with the weather. I was able to get the streaks of sunlight in the black and white shot on the left and I was treated to the most amazing sunset. Both of these shots needed a bit of cloud cover to make then work. You can see the black and white one here. You can see the colour print here

Mark Anderson
Beautifully presented hand made framed limited edition photographs.

Prints of New York. The standalone framed print.


Framed London prints in a shared Battersea workspace.