The Akaroa Gallery

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Prints of Black and white New York Skyscrapers.

Skyscrapers in New York are challenging to photograph. You either have to get far away from them and photograph a row of them or you stand in the street and look up at them. Or get up high. Cityscapes in London are a bit easier as the bridges afford good views and there’s a river running through it so you can get good views from the other side.

Standalone pictures of Skyscrapers in New York can make beautiful prints and shot at an angle this one makes a great portrait framed print. You can see this particular print here. Panoramics are a great shape to show off a city skylines too. If you can’t get the height in the image then going full width is often the answer. In New York the views from the bridges and across the Hudson can get you far enough away to shoot a good panoramic print. London is easier to shoot full width images. I have a new set to look at in the London panoramic gallery here.

A standard 50mm lens is all that’s required. You’ll get plenty of foreground and the skyscrapers will bend into the sky. This pair of black and white framed prints go well together. They were both taken with a 60mm lens. You can see all the black and white New York prints here.