Prints of Prague and shadows on the Charles bridge.

I wrote a blog last month about seeing the picture below in a real estate agent’s window. You can clearly see one of my prints of Prague on the wall. It’s a house in Clapham near where I used to live and now it’s an Airbnb. The print is of The Charles Bridge in Prague. You can see it here.

Prints of Prague

The shadows and the contrast at the beginning and at the end of the day are something that just enhances the architectural beauty of this bridge. The backdrop of the castle at night and the line of medieval bridges in the distance makes it all a bit of a dream for a photographer. For the two prints below I used 400ISO black and white film in my medium format camera. For all my colour prints, like the one above I use Fuji Velvia which is 64ISO. Below you can see the left hand framed print here and you can see the tower print on the bridge here.

Prints of Prague
Prints of Prague

I pretty much always use a tripod to get pin sharp detail. I really notice this when I go to make a print as the larger I make the print the larger any imperfections become. Even with 400 speed film which is quite fast hand held photographs can still show up any movement. I use a tripod also because it slows the process down and I think more about the compositions and the settings I’m using.

I managed to get down low to get the image below and I think if I’d stayed up top on the bridge it would have been a very different composition.

Mark Anderson
Beautifully presented hand made framed limited edition photographs.

Framed prints of London. Why the Akaroa gallery?


Prints of The Statue of Liberty New York.